Operating Principles
- Team will remain a small group of driven, A+ hard-working people with a bias on action.
- Focus on quality output generated (not inputs like number of hours worked).
- Daily internal check-ins and weekly public check-ins to keep everyone accountable.
- Proritize the most important and difficult problem. Let everything else go.
- Celebrate success. Even then little wins.
- Everyone in the team must talk to the user. They might not be right about what they want but they're always right about the problem they have.
- No unnecessary meetings.
- In-person > remote work.
- No communication failures: he did this so I was blocked, I was waiting for him, it was an issue on his end, I don’t know why this happened (I didn’t work on it) etc.
- Company rituals are paramount. It preserves our culture.
- Outcomes of the future remain indeterminate so focus on processes, systems and remain open to experimentation.
- The world of software (and generally) is changing quickly. Building and testing products should be fast, shipped within strict deadlines (eg: 3mo). This requires efficient and repetititve process to for building and testing an idea.
- UX does matter and more often than not, is a moat. This is why, taste matters, authenticity matters, experience matters.
- Little details make all the difference.
- Build internal tooling to remove inefficiencies, it pays dividends in the long-term.
- Collect and hypertrack all kinds of data-points.
- Accelerate fast, there will always be technical debt.
- Late decisions are often more damaging than wrong ones.
- Every announcement is a big deal. Find ways to create a big splash: make a trailer, bold graphic, ask your friends or investors to share.
- Sell to smaller companies first when starting out, it's easier and helps refine the pitch and product.
- Build a relationship, keep it informal and not transactional.
- Keep cold messages short and to the point.
- Keep sales cycles short. For the person/business, it should be an objective yes/no.
- Follow-up often, you just never know. Keep conversations warm.
- They'll be nice to you. Get them to pay.
Brand & Marketing
- Stay as visible, alive and relevant online. Storytelling is the best way to do that.
- X and Warpcast work best for top of funnel distribution.
- Interact with accounts that are high-quality or have an audience you'd like to engage with.
- Be authentic.
- Important announcements on Tuesday, Wednesday (avoid Friday evenings).
- Create and stick to a routine for posting content.